Monday, December 16, 2013

Right... okay... oops. It's been over a year since I last posted. That's (obviously) all on me. Last year's Biggest Loser competition was very "less than" for me and I lost a bit of my drive for this blog, among other things. I gained a few pounds with last year's competition. I can't remember how much, but I know it was not just a couple pounds.

That was then, and this... this is now. Today is Monday December 16th, 2013. Second (or first, depending on how you count) day of the third week of the last month of the year. The final weigh-in for this year's Biggest Loser competition is this Wednesday. I know I have not won the competition. I would have been alright with that if I had even met my personal goal... which I did not. If I can manage to be down a couple pounds at Wednesday's weigh in, I will have gotten half way to my personal goal.

I know, I know. Some of you think that I should be celebrating. 15 pounds is nothing to turn your nose up at. I get that, I truly do. But I'm more upset with the fact that I set a goal for myself and I didn't do everything I possibly could to meet that goal...

Be that as it may, here's how I'm moving forward: I am hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting restart! I have a long-term goal of being 135-145 pounds by August 14th, 2014 (My 10th wedding anniversary). It is slightly lofty, but very achievable... IF I STICK TO MY GUNS!

I have four 30-day exercise challenges I am restarting this evening. I will go to the gym at least 5 times a week - or at the very least, I will run up and down the stairs of my apartment complex for 30 minutes. I will be sure to drink at least three cups of green tea a day. I will watch my portions and make sure that at every opportunity I am choosing the low-to-no carb option(s). I will not drink soda - diet or otherwise - or eat (too many) sweets.

I will also remember that I am human. I will fall down. I will make mistakes. BUT: I will get right back up again! Besides: You can't make mistakes if you're not even trying in the first place.

I can do this. I will do this.
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