Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cough, Cough, Wheeeeeeeeeeeze!

Yeah... so I am having a bit of a... a... not a crisis, but whatever you want to call it, it is frustrating the hell out of me! As we know, I am attempting to lose about 100 pounds, hopefully by Halloween 2011. So far, the only thing I am able to do is adjust my eating, and that isn't going to get me very far for long. Why is it just the food, you ask? Well, I am going to tell you, even if you really didn't ask.


Damned, frustrating, irritating, haha-you-THOUGHT-you-would-work-out-but-I-have-other-ideas ASTHMA!
{back story time} When I was age 4, I believe, I was diagnosed with asthma. Woohoo, I didn't care then. Yes, I had to have a couple nebulizer treatments a day, but oh well. Then, it disappeared. It never flared up unless I was breathing straight dust {which I didn't do often, so...}

Then last year I was "lucky" enough to come down with the dreaded H1N1. It is now almost exactly a year later, and I am STILL suffering complications from it, one of which being this ridiculous asthma flare-up.* Friday evening, I speed-walked {is that proper verbage?} home - which, mind you, is literally only about half a block - and I proceeded to have a minor asthma attack that lasted for about 30 minutes. It ended with me in a foggy bathroom, breathing in the humidity. This led me to the knowledge that I am unable to exercise.

What does this mean for my goal? The loss from eating better is only going to last so long, as I mentioned, so what happens then?

{in the best comic book narrator voice} Is this the end of the Fantabulous B? Will she EVER meet her goal? Or will she be forced by her imperfect lungs to hover in the limbo of overweightness?

Stay tuned for our next episode...

1 comment:

  1. What are your thoughts on gastric bypass? Do you think losing the weight will help your asthma? Like, if you get the surgery, you won't have to exercise to lose the weight. Then once enough weight comes off you might lose some of those icky symptoms and begin to work out again? Is that plausible? I really think you should consider it, sicky. ;-)
