Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yay... I Think?

Tonight was a mash-up of pitiful and excellent.

Tonight was the first Tuesday night in a long time that I went to the gym to lift. I'm trying to do a regiment of MWF: cardio in the AM, TTh: lifting in the PM, Sa: more cardio or more lifting, or both. Su: REST! Tonight - surprisingly without any kind of internal argument - I went for my first night of lifting. It was a chest and bicep night. No joke, I was there for 15 minutes and had done 3 chest exercises, 1 tricep exercise, and 1 ab exercise.

And I didn't know what else to do beyond that.

Normally I don't care what other people are thinking of me... or what I'm thinking they're thinking of me. Tonight I kind of did. I felt like I was just walking around the gym, looking like a deer in headlights. I felt like all the buff people were watching me walk around and thinking, "What the hell is she doing here?" or "She doesn't even know what she's doing!", etc, etc ad nauseum.

I have a friend who owns her own gym/personal trainer business, is a certified nutritionist and cave woman. I ask her a LOT of questions... but lately I feel really bad about doing so. I mean, that's her livlihood, savvy? I'm starting to feel like I'm abusing our friendship with my quest for knowledge. So I'm trying to search stuff out on my own on the big 'ol interwebs. It's not going so well so far. I know it's best to do a push/pull split, but I don't know what exercises are for each muscle group. I don't know how many to do of each - more in the sense of number of exercises, not sets and reps. I don't know what to eat before lifting... there's just so much knowledge to glean, I feel my head might explode before I figure it all out!

BUT (now on to the excellent part): I WENT TO THE GYM AGAIN! That is huge! Like I mentioned earlier, there wasn't even any internal argument about going like there usually is. Could the habit be breaking? Could I be on my way to (eventual) Bufftown? Gods, I hope so.

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